Sunday 5 June 2011


·      Latitude: 43° 22' 0" N
·      Longitude: 80° 59' 0" W
·      Population: 30461
·      Population density: 1353.7 km2
·      Landforms:  Great lake- St. Lawrence lowlands
      National park: Pukaskwa national park 
·      Climate: Southeastern. Year round moderate. Four distinct seasons. The winter weather lasts from December to March with summer weather stretching from May through September.
·      Ecozone: Mixedwood Plains: plants: cedar, redoak, butternut, black ash, white pine. Animals: Black bear, wolf, bobcat, otter, muskrat, mouse, hawks, owls
·      Industries: One of Stratford largest industries is tourism. Also theatre and the arts. (music etc.)

     Our second stop is already a good experience and we have just arrived at the hotel. The moment you drive past the “Welcome to Stratford” sign you notice the beautiful culture, arts and overall vibrancy of Stratford. We are staying in a cozy bed and breakfast that fit the overall look of Stratford perfectly. It was clean and tidy, luxurious and elegant. It had an old Victorian feel just like the town. The downtown here as well is one of the many experiences your should see here. Including many shops, and restaurants you can’t get bored! We arrived at the famous Avon Theatre to find screaming girls. They we apparently waiting for Justin Bieber to arrive. They were definitley missing out on the point of Stratford. Well my family and I slipped by the girls and went inside.

 The Shakespeare Festival is held here and lucky for us it was on right now! We bought tickets and took our seats. Me and my family went to see Of mice and Men. Now I see why Stratford is known for the arts, the play was perfect! Even my brother  had a great time watching the actors on stage and getting into the performance. After that we went down to the Avon river right outside downtown to see the nature. There were white swans everywhere! And the locals we talked to say that’s usual, you can even feed them! Naturally my family and I bought the swan food and went for it. Even my mom who fears birds gave it a shot. 

We laughed and had a great time sitting by the river. On our way back to the hotel we passed and art exhibit right outdoors. This town is certainly an arts town. I have realized that there are few places as concentrated on the arts and theatre as Stratford Ontario. I am definitely excited to see what’s in store for our next stop, Edmonton Alberta.

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