Sunday 5 June 2011


·      Latitude: 44° 39' 0" N
       Longitude: 63° 36' 0" W
·      Population: 360 000
·      Population density: 67.8 per km squared
·      Landforms: Halifax Peninsula, Halifax Harbour, Appalachians mountains
·      Climate: Atlantic Maritime
·      Eco-zone: Atlantic maritime. 
Climate: an eastern-maritime climate. Short warm summers and cold winters. Snow deeper than 1 cm is seen 85 days each year. Because it is a maritime city most of its precipitation is during the winter months due to snow.
Animals: Black bears, lynx, bobcat, whitetail deer, moose, red fox, coyote, beaver, snowshoe hare, southern bog lemming (mammals) hawks, owls, humming bird, woodpecker, toad, frogs, (fish) rainbow smelt, golden shiner, creek chub..
·      National Parks: Kejimkuji
 Industries: Halifax has a major port and much of the economy is affiliated with the port or the port's associates. It is a major hub for the transportation of goods all over the continent with railways leading to inland Canada and much of the Northern United states. The Municipality of Halifax has resource industries too that include Agriculture, fishing, mining, forestry and natural gas extraction, clay, shale, gold, limestone, and gypsum extraction. The food industry is strong as well since there is high level of tourism in the area.

·      Tourism: Citadel, Prier, Schooner.

     It’s The first stop on my road trip this summer, and we are in the capital of Nova Scotia, Halifax. Turns out I was wrong about not having to get up early because my mom woke me up at 7am this morning to go to downtown. But after spending some time there I realized it was worth it. Halifax’s downtown is very people friendly, you can walk everywhere. It had many restaurants, and interesting attractions and great architecture. Me and my family walked through the buildings heading toward the Harbor-walk, and along the way we were constantly distracted by the numerous shops and theatres. The whole downtown was alive with life and culture! We even went on a horse-drawn carriage with a canopy for shade. On the ride we saw beautiful gardens that had been kept and were full of colour. We didn’t even make it to the Harbor-walk! We were too caught up in the scenery of Halifax’s downtown. This is why we have more than one day in Halifax I guess!

We got up early today again and it’s a gorgeous 23 degrees outside. This time we made it to the Harbor-walk. Its on the waterfront and gives you a beautiful view of the ocean. We walked along the 3km boardwalk for a bit admiring the view and of course the shops, until we saw “Theodore too” and then we knew what we were doing next. Theodore Too is a large imitation tugboat based on the fictional character from the show Theodore Tugboat. And the best part is, it gives tours! 

     Me and my family excitedly got onboard and this adorable Tugboat gave us a informational tour of the harbor. The day was fun and information filled. For example did you know that at a depth of 18 meters at low tide, Halifax Harbor is one of the world's deepest harbors. Considering how fun my first stop on the road trip was I can’t wait to see what waits for me and my family in Stratford. 

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